This world is to be shared.

There is renewed interest in the debate on multiculturalism & whether it’s truly possible for society to be secular. Many have stated that it is a failure & the recent attacks in France have only charged the debate further.

I though am a firm believer in multiculturalism and its benefits. Opponents to multiculturalism, in my opinion, are merely slow-adapters to change (you have some of those everywhere, many were adverse to the internet!)

The dangerous & disturbing trend is how those who oppose it are resorting to violence. Whether it be far right groups in Europe or marginalized minorities in western & developing countries.

To see how the benefits outweigh the teething problems read on…

Lost Great Wall of China found in Mongolia.

The Great wall of china, one of mankinds greatest collective accomplishments is actually longer than initially thought.

Researchers working on the man-made structure which can be seen from space found remnants of a high wall deep in the gobi desert using google earth technology.

Read on….


For a while now i have been observing how our attention span has diminished. People don’t want copy ads anymore instead they want picture centric ads. Everyone is eager to read the conclusion than the story that led to that conclusion. This is in my opinion a result of our instant gratification impulses. But how does it affect us in the long term. Does such snippet hunger make us less able to comprehend complex issues cause we crave a quick answer.

This article in the NYtimes gives a detailed account about how the information we are getting is influencing our decision making process.

It’s a good read for anyone who’s been feeling like there just isn’t enough due diligence done before making major decisions in todays world.

The New World Order

False Advertising.
False Advertising on this side too.

We form our opinion of musicians by their music videos not by their music.

We judge our presidents not by their actions but by their image.

When perception overtakes substance. What we’re told becomes what we think.

When one’s substance is of little value and only the packaging matters. There will be no more substance only pretense of substance.

Good looks will overtake intelligence.

Is this the new world order?

Hello world!


To start on a light note, I think most of the world’s wars till date come from not understanding or caring to understand the others we share our world with.

Some people might be uncomfortable with it but no one disputes our Inter-dependance on each other in this global world.

We have a lot in common (we’re all Ice-Cream just different flavors). The only way to understand this is to travel and soak in other cultures. Don’t go there and try and compare, instead absorb. Don’t go there and try and teach them your way instead learn theirs.

Our differences (cuisine, dance, song, culture, religion, color, language) are all minor and in my opinion more of a blessing.  Being a foodie i understand that the potato came from peru and pepper from the Malabar coast. Everyone loves them, Thankfully the first explorers didn’t go there with a closed mind instead they sampled and tasted and learnt and exchanged. And for those who would like to point out the manipulation and greed of business that lead to exploitation. Just cause they did it doesn’t mean you will. Travel and see the world and it’s diversity and you too will understand that it’s crucial!

I love to see new things and i hope others do too. Cause the day we all want to see and hear what we already know, we cease to grow.